Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sporadic E opening 30th July, 2009

TV-Band 1 was open to the Balkans and Italy this morning.

This is what was seeing between 08:20 - 09:50 UTC.

08:20 - R1 - M1, Budapest
08:25 - R2 - RTL Klub, Pecs
08:44 - E4 - HRT-1, Labistica
09:07 - IA - TLA, Monte Faito
09:08 - IB - Rai Uno, Monte Faito
09:20 - E2 - TVE-1, Navacerrada
09:25 - E3 - E21 Network, M. Giarolo
09:40 - IA - Rai Uno, Monte Caccia
09:46 - E2 - Rai Uno, M.S. Salvatore

RTL Klub/R2 - had weak video during the programme but improved during adverts.

Editrice Network/E3 - never had this one so strong as the transmitter is only 200 watts. 

Rai Uno/IA - the daily weather report presenter Col. Pisani.

Rai Uno/E2 - the daily serial with Jessica Fletcher.

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